Save 1000’s of engineering hours. Leverage advanced cloning technology.
Proven and Effective SPI Cloning
Replicate SmartPlant® Instrumentation facility design data, reducing costs, shortening timelines and increasing capacity to engineer more facilities.
Beaconsuite™ Hierarchy enables modular design elements to exist as a standard template for assembly into a custom facility design, significantly reducing costs and leading to faster facility activations. As an extension to Intergraph’s SmartPlant® Instrumentation software, Beaconsuite™ Hierarchy improves accuracy, quality and safety standards via data cloning.
Most importantly, Engineering firms and Owner Operator companies are able to deliver a superior end product while remaining competitive in an ever tightening market, with lower costs and shorter timelines.
Technical Specs
- Desktop deployment and installation via electronic download
- Oracle of Microsoft SQL Server Databases
- Oracle Client (with Oracle Databases only)
- .Net Framework 4.5 or higher
- Windows 7, 8, 10
- 4 GB of RAM
- SmartPlant® Instrumentation version 2009, 2013
Included in your download, you receive:
- Installation manual, including system requirements
- Installation media
- One year license key
- User manuals
- Deliver completed units in a fraction of the time and realize a remarkable return on investment
- Faster activation of a facility to production
- Simplify engineering design and standardize modular units
- Reduce procurement costs by sharing panels and cabling between units
- Deliver consistent design
- Improve SPI data integrity by identifying and addressing common issues that impact successful replications
- Easy to use software, that does not require previous cloning experience
- Simplified cloning of complex data using the Wizard interface
- Preview the clone prior to executing replication
- Split existing facilities in modules for future replication
- Clone all data or only the data you want
- Clone multiple different modules (templated data) into one unit
- Clone wiring shared among multiple units
- Realize a quality unit clone where all source unit references are updated in the target (e.g. equipment, drawing names, UDFs)
- Correct inaccurate unit data assignments (e.g. panels, strips, drawings)