Database Blend
Multiple databases costing you money? Blend them with ease.
Save money associated with maintaining several databases. Successfully blend multiple SPI databases reducing costs, promoting better tag management, application integration, consistent standards and higher quality data.
The Database Blend module bundles all of the key sub modules that you require to perform successful database blends. Efficiently align your standards e.g. picklists, datasheet forms, reference library. Map the source domain(s), plant(s), area(s), and unit(s) to the target database. Understand what will be added, changed and deleted. Blend the source database(s) into the target.
Reducing databases enables easier data integration between different enterprise software applications, and design tools.
Align your SPI database domain, plant, area, unit hierarchy structure with your company’s information management strategy for the various design tools, information management, maintenance, operations software applications e.g. other SPPID, SPEL, SPF, SAP.
Key benefits: Blend SPI databases, reduce costs and reduce user frustration locating information. Promote consistent deliverables, easier integration and higher quality data.
Download Product SheetBenefits
- Makes it easier to find and report on data by not having to search multiple instances
- Minimizes risk of tag number duplication
- Enables future Unit duplication possibilities across the SPI Plant hierarchy within the one database
- Reduces IT maintenance costs e.g. fewer databases
- Facilitates the long-term goal of integration with other design tools and SmartPlant Foundation
- Reports Standards differences between two databases. An intelligent auto mapping algorithm efficiently maps pick-list selections (e.g. Instrument Types)
- Transforms the source database standards while blending the data into the target database
- Leaves the source database untouched while blending its data into the target database
- Identifies bad data prior to blending the databases and in some cases, fixes the bad data