Detect and fix bad data. Duplicates, orphans, bad file paths, data built in wrong units.
Doctor surfaces underlying issues in your databases. This module is made up of six sub modules. The six modules include:
Duplicate Cleanup – identifies, and flags SPI duplicate entity names, drawing names, manufacturers, and manufacturer model numbers. Duplicate Cleanup uses an advanced rule engine that knows how to recognize duplicates e.g. special characters, and spaces will not fool our application; the duplicate will be identified. There are 40 different types of duplicates assessed.
- 10 entity type names
- 8 entity type manufacturers
- 8 entity type manufacturer model numbers
- 14 entity type drawings
Merge Release Flag – SPI uses flags which have special meaning. One such flag in the Merge Release Flag. In some cases it has been noted that this flag does not get populated. The net result is entities such as Tags do not appear at different points in the interface. Doctor’s Merge Release Flag sub module identifies and fixes records that need to be addressed.
Orphan Finder – is a generic engine that locates orphan records within databases. Out of the box Orphan Finder comes configured to work with SPI. This application identifies orphans within your SPI databases. Orphan Finder has been known to identify 1000’s of orphans resulting from partial Unit deletes, bad imports, and other scenarios.
PAU Relationship – identifies and fixes invalid Plant, Area, Unit (PAU) combinations. SPI stores a lot of data in specific Plant, Area, Unit combinations, but in some cases the relationship between the Plant, Area, Unit are not stored correctly. PAU Relationship fixes these issues.
PAU Cascade – identifies entities that are located in the incorrect Plant, Area, Unit (PAU). PAU Cascade fixes all incorrect PAU assignments. Correcting this is key to Unit duplications, as well as ease of finding data in the front end of SPI.
PathWizard – is an excellent solution to identifying bad folder and file paths stored in your database. PathWizard scans the entire database looking for folder and file paths stored as data hyperlinks in the database e.g. symbols, templates, archive file paths. Once a path is detected PathWizard verifies if the path exists on your network and if the files are actually there. PathWizard enables you to correct bad paths.
If your company has ever received a copy of a database from another company, or if you have had users associating documents via the SPI Index module, or if deliverable archives have been stored externally to the database; you likely have bad file paths that need to be corrected.
Key benefits: Identifies data integrity issues and resolves the issues.
Download Product SheetBenefits
- Quick identification of data issues that, if left undetected, could result in trends, change orders, possible safety incidents, and potential production losses
- Proposes fixes thereby allowing issues to be addressed immediately
- Promotes better quality data enabling reliable integration between different systems and databases
- Reduces costs by reducing incorrect data being propagated between systems
- Finds and fixes data that has corruption preventing it from being displayed in SPI
- Identifies inconsistent use of templates, symbols, title blocks that impact deliverables. Enables the user to fix the inconsistencies immediately
- Identifies loss of external data e.g. external archives (snapshots of deliverable revisions)
- Identifies and fixes data that is located in the wrong Plant, Area, Units. Findings are easily exported to files
- Identifies orphan records (broken links)
- Identifies data that is corrupted and, as a result, is invisible to the front end of SPI