Smart DBSearch
Search & replace database data.
Find What You Are Looking for and Update It!
Beaconsuite™ Smart DBsearch is a powerful application that saves companies hundreds of hours when searching and updating information buried deep within complex relational databases.
Use Smart DBsearch to:
- drive data consistency
- re-tag tags and other unique identifiers post data replication e.g. update all references of 8010 with 8011
- track user activity; this can be realized permitting the user name is captured on records when making changes
- identify key fields that need to be included in queries
Beaconsuite™ Smart DBsearch saves projects time, costs, reduce monotonous work and produces higher quality deliverables.
Download Product SheetBenefits
- Save hundreds of hours. Search for and update data quickly within the most complex relational databases e.g. Search for ‘deg C’ and replace with ‘°C’
- Searches for data with precision. Users can apply advanced filter constraints to bring back only the most relevant data
- Build quality advanced queries by identifying data patterns e.g. what records, fields, tables contain key information
- Intuitive easy to use preview interface enables users to safely and quickly make decisions around what data should be updated
- Flexibility to search and replace data in specific tables and fields or all tables and fields
- Designed to import settings from an MS Excel file for mass data searches and updates
- Advanced filter settings can be applied on per field basis. All settings can be saved out for future use
- SPI users can filter searches on Project, Plant, Area, Units, and SPI modules e.g. Wiring tables
- All located findings and suggested updates highlighted in a preview interface making it easy to make quick decisions