Move data between SPI Specification fields, report across specification forms.
Specifications is integrated with SPI; empowering users to intelligently map data from existing data fields to new fields. Specifications validates the source and target fields are an appropriate match and that the target field is truly available and does not already have data in it. With your consent Specifications will transfer the data between the source and target.
Clients that have multiple databases understand how difficult it can be to align the Specification/Datasheet forms across multiple databases. Once the specification forms/page are aligned, the Data Dictionary sub module can be used to align the Data Dictionary.
The Fusion sub module enables users to search and report across all, or specifically selected forms for key information even in situations where headers and or field names may vary from form to form. Users can now compile and report data across forms, headers, and fields to locate key information e.g. the “instrument accuracy” across all forms can be obtained even if different UDF’s are used.
Key benefits: Specifications makes it possible to align the datasheet form libraries across all databases. Provides a very cost effective method of introducing changes to existing and or new forms into databases which already have a lot of data populated into the datasheets. Provides a powerful fusion process to compile data across datasheet forms for reporting or various system / application integration purposes.
Download Product SheetBenefits
- Reduces effort / time / costs associated with filling in Instrument Specifications (Datasheets)
- Operations, maintenance, project designers all benefit from having quality, consistent Instrument Specifications across several SPI databases
- Promotes better quality data by enabling SmartPlant® Administrators to normalize field usage on Instrument Specifications
- Locates, and exports data stored across all Instrument Specification Forms based on field headers versus actual fields names (User Defined Field (UDF) names)
- Compares Instrument Specification Forms in use across two different SPI domains / databases
- Compares and aligns Instrument Specification Form Data Dictionary (field mappings) across two different SPI domains
- Safely migrates data between SPI data fields, warning if the targeted field already has data or is incompatible
- Scans Instrument Specification Forms based on either a field header search or a field name search
- Enables users to export data across all Instrument Specification Forms for specific fields based on search parameters e.g. Instrument Accuracy